Oh well.... Finally can take a breather.
Its finally officially announced and restructuring is gonna take place tmr.
I have risen up from PCL to the role of CL and taken over West D 2. Oh well..
God had really spoken to me yestaday during service. Reminded me about the reason of my serving him. Convicted that we all should be once again reminded of the core reason why are we serving.
Some people i think had lost the point of this too. Lost the core value of all this.
Is it because of the fun element? Is it just to simply tapping on God's power? Is it just simply wanting to see people in the same community as you? All this they are important, but they are wrong when you forgot the word "Love"
It of the love God had given to us, therefore we want to serve him to the best. It is because of his love, that made us all want our friends and people around us to experience his love as well. It is because of his love, that we have compassion for the lost souls out there.
Lets not affirm those whom had shown fruits. But lets as well, affirm those who kept this value in their heart and served sacrificially, even if they had not shown the fruits, for it had not come yet, but it will come, for it is the promise of the bible.
So to all people out there. Remember the main reason of this CG08. This community is for God. Not for our own. The vision we recieved is not OUR VISION, but is GOD'S GIVEN Vision. Lets constantly check out motive is Christ. Why do we serve. What is the motive that is urging you. Correct the motive, the fruits will flow in. When your motive is right, then do not worry. For God's promise will be fulfilled.
Keep this in our heart and serve sacrificially for God.
Let me end of with this verse
1 Timothy 1:5
The goal of this command is love, which comes from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.